Awesome list (of github) for UI Component Libraries based on UI Toolkits

Curated list of things for UI Component of React, Angular, Ember, Vue and Mithril JS for Open source community

11 minutes read


What is awesome lists?

[aw-suh m lists]

  • An internet phenomenon
  • Curated lists of awesome links around a specific topic.
  • Created and kept up to date by amazing people.
  • Fantastic learning and inspiration resource

It is a way in which OSS community curate and collaborate on list of awesome stuff for a particular topic. Below is one example of awesome list of UI component libraries for react, vue, angular, ember, and mithril.

PS: This is content of the list as on date of publishing [Nov 2018]. For updated version please check GitHub Repo

Awesome UI Component Library


Curated list of UI component libraries for UI frameworks/libraries

This list doesn't include individual component libraries

Table of Contents


  • Ant Design React Repo Star - An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation. Ant-design Pro is available here
  • Atlaskit - Atlasssian’s official React UI kit is the technical implementation of the Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG)
  • Belle Repo Star - A set of React components optimized for mobile & desktop with highly customizable styles which can be configured on the base level as well individually for each one of them.
  • Blueprint Repo Star - A React-based UI toolkit for building complex, data-dense web interfaces for desktop applications.
  • Carbon Repo Star - React components according to IBM’s Carbon design system
  • design-blocks Repo Star - Over 170 responsive design blocks ready to be used in your web or mobile apps. All blocks are based on the Bootstrap Library
  • Element Repo Star - Initially build for VueJs, Library provides a rich selection of customizable components along with a full style-guide
  • Elemental UI Repo Star- A UI Toolkit for React.js Websites and Apps
  • Fabric Repo Star - A set of React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365 by Microsoft, written in Typescript.
  • Gestalt Repo Star - A set of React UI components that supports Pinterest’s design language.
  • Grommet Repo Star - React-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming.
  • KhanAcademy React Repo Star - Khan’s academy’s React UI components released to the community
  • Material UI Repo Star - Components that implement Google’s Material Design. Example usage can be seen here.
  • Onsen UI React Repo Star - More than 100 components are specially made for Material and Flat design based on original the Onsen UI framework
  • Prime React Repo Star - This project which provides a rich and unique selection of over 60 UI components with multiple themes
  • reactstrap Repo Star - Stateless React Bootstrap 4 components that favor composition and control. The library does not depend on jQuery or Bootstrap javascript
  • React BootstrapRepo Star - React-Bootstrap is a complete re-implementation of the Bootstrap 3 components using React.
  • React Desktop Repo Star - UI component library which aims to bring a native desktop experience to the web, featuring many macOS Sierra and Windows 10 components.
  • React Foundation - Repo Star - React components for Foundation UI Design.
  • React MD Repo Star - React toolkit for building a web app with Google’s Material Design with very highly customizable themes and styling (Sass)
  • React Toolbox Repo Star - set of React components that implement Google’s Material Design specification. It’s powered by CSS Modules and harmoniously integrates with your webpack workflow.
  • Rebass Repo Star - React UI component library & design system, built with styled-components and styled-system. It’s a great choice for Styled-components fans.
  • Semantic UI React Repo Star- Semantic UI React is the official React integration for Semantic UI.It’s used by Netflix, Amazon and other major organizations. Examples can be found here
  • UXCore Repo Star - A React UI Component Suites living for enterprise application by Alibaba, Inc.
  • [Paid]ExtReact - 115+ pre-built UI components that are fully supported and designed to interact and work together, from Sencha UI
  • [Paid]jQWidgets - React components based on jqwidgets.
  • [Paid]Kendo ui - UI Component based on kendo UI toolkit.
  • [Paid]Mobiscroll - React components for Mobile UI Controls.
  • [Paid]Wijmo React - React components for Wizmo Toolkit from grapeCity.

Special use case libraries

  • Halogen Repo Star - A collection of loading spinners with React.js
  • Recharts Repo Star - Redefined chart library components built with D3
  • React Virtualized Repo Star - React components for virtualizing large data sets for efficiently rendering lists and tabular data
  • [Paid] ag-grid - Cross platform components for Grid/Tables


  • AT-UI Repo Star - A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application
  • Bootstrap Vue Repo Star - comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
  • Buefy Repo Star - Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma, which are the library’s only two internal dependencies
  • Cube UI Repo Star - cube-ui is a UI component library for mobile apps
  • Element Repo Star - Library provides a rich selection of customizable components along with a full style-guide based on Vue 2.0
  • Fish-UI Repo Star - provides a Vue-based web toolkit with neat and clean looking components. The library supports a ES2015 + Webpack workflow
  • Framevuerk Repo Star - Responsive, Multi Language, Both Direction Support and Configurable UI Framework based on Vue.js
  • Framework 7 Vue Repo Star - Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
  • iView Repo Star - iView provides dozens of UI components and widgets built with Vue.js and styled with a clean and elegant design
  • Keen-UI Repo Star - keen-ui is a collection of Vue components inspired by material design, but is not meant to be a full implementation of the Material Design spec.
  • Mint UI Repo Star - Mobile UI elements for Vue.js
  • Muse-UI Repo Star - Muse UI has more than 40 UI components and customizable themes for Google’s Material Design
  • Office UI Fabric Vue Repo Star - Office UI Fabric implementation for Vue.js, build with office-ui-fabric-js
  • Onsen UI Repo Star - More than 100 components are specially made for Material and Flat design based on original the Onsen UI framework
  • Quasar Repo Star - Responsive Single Page Apps, Server-side Render Apps, Progressive Web Apps, Hybrid Mobile Apps (that look native!) & Electron Apps with theming support.
  • Semantic UI Vue Repo Star - Semantic UI Vue is the official VueJS integration for Semantic UI.It’s used by Netflix, Amazon and other major organizations.
  • Uiv Repo Star - Uiv is a Bootstrap 3 component library for Vue 2. All component combined are ~20KB, and the only external dependencies are Vue and Bootstrap CSS
  • Vuetify Repo Star - Vue.js components implemented according to Google’s material design guidelines. Vuetify supports all modern browsers across platforms, including IE11 and Safari 9+
  • Vue Material Repo Star - library implementing Googles material design. The library also provides a webpack boilerplate, SSR template for Nuxt.js and a single HTML file to start with the framework
  • Vuikit Repo Star - A responsive Vue 2 UI library for web site interfaces based on the UIkit 3 framework.
  • Vux Repo Star -Mobile UI Components based on WeUI
  • Vueblu Repo Star - UI Component Library Base on Vue.js(2.x) and Bulma
  • vue-antd Repo Star - Here is the Vue implementation of Ant Design, which develops and serves enterprise back-end products.
  • vue-beauty Repo Star - UI components build with vue and ant design
  • vuestrap-base-components Repo Star - Vuestrap Base Components extend Bootstrap 4. Built with vuestrap, plain Vue.js and Webpack.
  • VueBoot Repo Star - Vuejs components and directives written using Bootstrap v4, leveraging the official Bootstrap JS.
  • [Paid]Kendo ui - UI Component based on kendo UI toolkit.
  • [Paid]jQWidgets - Vue components based on jqwidgets.
  • Awesome Vue - A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js


  • Clarity Repo Star - Clarity is an open source design system by VMware that brings together UX guidelines, an HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components
  • Element Repo Star - Initially build for VueJs, Library provides a rich selection of customizable components along with a full style-guide
  • NG Bootstrap Repo Star - replacing angular-ui bootstrap which is no longer maintained, it provides Bootstrap 4 components for Angular with no 3rd party JS dependencies
  • NGX Bootstrap Repo Star - Bootstrap 3/Bootstrap 4 Components with Angular, for both Mobile and Desktop.
  • NG Lightning Repo Star - Angular components built for the Salesforce Lightning Design System
  • NG Semantic-UI Repo Star - Angular UI building blocks based on Semantic-UI
  • NG-ZORRO Repo Star - NG-ZORRO components aim to provide an enterprise-class UI based on Ant Design
  • Material 2 Repo Star - Angular’s official component library implementing Google’s material design, built with Angular and TypeScript
  • Onsen UI Repo Star - More than 100 components are specially made for Material and Flat design based on original the Onsen UI framework
  • Prime NG Repo Star - This project which provides a rich and unique selection of over 60 UI components with multiple themes
  • Semantic UI Angular Repo Star - Semantic UI Angular is the official Angular integration for Semantic UI.It’s used by Netflix, Amazon and other major organizations.

Special use case libraries

  • NG2 Charts Repo Star - Angular directives for 6 different types of charts, with properties based on chart.js.
  • NG2 Dragula Repo Star - Official Angular wrapper for dragula for drag and drop


  • Semantic UI Ember Repo Star - Semantic UI Ember is the official EmberJS integration for Semantic UI.It’s used by Netflix, Amazon and other major organizations.
  • UI-bootstrap Repo Star - An Ember-flavoured Bootstrap 4.x eco-system
  • Ember Material Lite Repo Star - Material Design Lite for Ember.js Apps
  • Ember UIkit Repo Star - This addon is a wrapper for the CSS library UIkit which exposes certain components to give users an easy way for using UIkit in ember apps.
  • Ember Components Repo Star - This project aims to be the successor of Bootstrap for Ember project as all components on this suite are not bound to any specific CSS framework.
  • SL Ember Components Repo Star - An Ember CLI Addon that provides a variety of UI components.
  • Ember Material Design Repo Star -

Special use case libraries

  • AnyChart-Ember Repo Star - AnyChart Component for Ember CLI provides an easy way to use AnyChart JavaScript Charts with Ember Framework


  • Construct UI Repo Star - A UI kit for mithriljs with many common components inspired by blueprint
  • Polythene Repo Star - Material Design component library for Mithril
  • Mithril-Materialized Repo Star - a materialized-CSS Mithril components library
  • mithril-ui Repo Star - UI components for Mithril.js

End of List \m/

Please refer original repo for latest version of this list