Axios API Profiler

Axios interceptor that profiles HTTP responses for time taken(including middleware time)

Axios API Profiler

Axios interceptor that profiles HTTP responses for timings

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Axios API Profiler is interceptor for axios that profiles for time each axios based call takes including network time + axios handling time (including middleware time)

Profiling info

API profiling is only for time. This includes time taken by axios to process the request and network time.


$ npm install axios-api-profiler --save


yarn add axios-api-profiler


Import axiosRequestProfiler to register it as interceptor for axios that will profile all APIs.

Simple usage

import axios from 'axios';
import axiosRequestProfiler from 'axios-api-profiler';

// ... middleware chain

axiosRequestProfiler function also accepts instance of axios as its parameter. By default, Profiling information is logged in the console. (browser or node)


On Node


On Node

Fetching all profiling information

You can get all profiled information (of same instance) via defaultApiProfilerInstance.getAPIProfileData()

import axios from 'axios';
import axiosRequestProfiler, { defaultApiProfilerInstance } from 'axios-api-profiler';

// ... middleware chain
// stop default console loggin
axios.defaults.ignoreApiProfilingLogs = true;

//other axios call over a period of time

const profileInfomation = defaultApiProfilerInstance.getAPIProfileData();
console.table(profileInformation, ["startTime", "endTime"]);

All records

startTime and endTime are instance of Date.


One can disable this interceptor by passing ignoreApiProfiling as configuration in axios instance or per axios api call. This configuration can also be set on axios.default object.

Setting Name type description default value
ignoreApiProfiling Boolean Flag to disable profiling false
ignoreApiProfilingLogs Boolean Flag to disable console logging of API profile timing false
  1. To disable profiling for specific call

     axios.get('/users', { ignoreApiProfiling:true } ).then(response=>{
         //response is standard axios response with config, header, status, data, statusText

    This config as parameter is available for all calls(get, post, put, etc) in axios, refer here.

  2. To disable interceptor for all calls of a instance (if already configured as interceptor in axios default configuration)

    const instance = axios.create({ignoreApiProfiling: true});
  3. To continue profiling and not log timing on console, use ignoreApiProfilingLogs flag,

    axios.get('/users', { ignoreApiProfilingLogs:true } ).then(response => {
        //api timing wont be logged on console


Suggestions and PRs are welcome!

Please read the contribution guidelines to get started.


Open Source Love

refer LICENSE file in this repository.